Urban Inn Appeal – Bill’s Blog

Pittsburgh PAUntil recently, the standard fantasy image of a Bed and Breakfast was that of a rural paradise, where romance was primary and nature ruled the roost. We have learned, however, that occupancy rates for this type of Inn are often in the 25% range, representing weekend business with a few intrepid mid-week guests in busy times. It is good to remind ourselves that weekends are 2 nights (28.4%) and weekdays are 4 nights (56.8%). (Sundays are schizoid).

Most urban Inns, even those heavily focused on business travel, find much to enhance weekend business, in the form of family events and cultural activities. You do not have to do the weddings to get the wedding guests. Our town, Brattleboro, Vermont has several sure weekend fill up events to complement the steady mid-week business travelers for the two Bed and Breakfast Inns.  Events include the Strolling of the Heifers, an International ski jumping tournament, a literary festival, a women’s film festival and a couple of beer tasting events. Add overflow skiers from the nearby ski area, and leaf peepers in foliage and your occupancy is well over 50%.

We currently represent several urban Inns in the sale process.  They range from a heavy focus on mid-week occupancy to Inns blessed with both business travelers and a steady weekend business.  We recently handled the sale of a Bed & Breakfast in North Carolina where mid-week business was so strong that the Inn often closed on weekends.

At the top of the spectrum of urban Inns are those in locations strong enough to occupy their rooms mid-week with the same leisure traveler profile they enjoy on weekends.  Inns we represent in New Orleans, Savannah, Asheville and Pittsburgh fall into that category.  They enjoy both high occupancy rates and average daily rates.

Business travelers are often valuable customers because they return on a regular basis.  They are usually single travelers and are there to do business, not to hang about the Inn.  Once you discover their preferences, you have information to keep both you and them happy.  They also become your sales reps in the business traveling community.  For long term success we certainly recommend a healthy mix of mid-week business travelers and weekend and high season leisure travelers.

We currently represent several Urban Bed and Breakfasts in New England, Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

We would be happy to introduce you to these fine Inns.  First, we need to hear from you.  We await your call.  802-257-2360 or toll free 877-957-2360

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