Inn Evaluations are very different from Valuations

Inn Partners travels to fine Inns nationwide to undertake Valuations and Evaluations.  While there is only one additional letter, Evaluations are very different from Valuations of which we also do many.  A Valuation establishes a value of the Inn or Bed and Breakfast based on a comprehensive review of six factors affecting the worth of the property.

An Evaluation is a critique of all aspects of an Inn’s operations: marketing, staffing, housekeeping, food service, guest relations, website and web presence, grounds maintenance, and overall condition of the Inn.  It also includes suggestions for improvements as necessary and focuses especially on items to improve the bottom line.

Some Inns, especially those contemplating a transfer, should think about a Valuation.  Fees for the Valuation  vary slightly depending on the size and style of your property so contact Inn Partners to discuss your property and receive a quote depending on your needs.

We do believe most Inns will benefit financially and otherwise in excess of the modest cost of an Evaluation.  Most Innkeepers are too busy running their Inns to pay much attention to events and changes in the larger hospitality business.  That is our job, and we bring that knowledge to an Evaluation.

If you would like more details and a quote for either a Valuation or Evaluation, contact Inn Consulting Partners at 802-257-2360 or toll free at 877-957-2360 to review your needs with a member of the Inn Partners team.

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