Travels with Tim: Why I am Here

Tim travels for Inn Partners & inn consulting

I am blessed to have been with Inn Consulting Partners for the last year and a half. It has allowed me to pursue two of my passions; the hospitality industry (specifically the Inn & B&B industry) and traveling the beautiful and interesting U.S.A.

Tim visits a new innkeeper & former client
Tim with Seminar for Aspiring Innkeepers graduate and owner of the Thomas Shepherd Inn, Lauren Duh.

With over 35 years of hospitality experience, and 11 as an Innkeeper, I have seen and experienced a lot in this amazing industry. I have also been blessed to have seen all 50 states of this great country. To be able to share my hospitality experiences and go to the far ends of this country to help other Innkeepers…well, it is quite simply the best of both worlds.

Throughout my travels, I have been amazed at the diversity and creativity of some of these Innkeepers. The reasons why each Innkeeper has chosen their respective Inns and their locations are interesting stories unto themselves. I hope to bring you into both worlds and maybe sprinkle in a little of another passion of mine: history.

For those of you who are aspiring Innkeepers, or Innkeepers perfecting their craft, to those who are looking to take a well-deserved break from your labors, we hope you enjoy some of these insights.

Stay tuned,
Tim Piper

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